Friday, May 9, 2008

San Onofre, May 9, 2008

Went surfing afterwork today. I got stuck in the office most of the week, yuk! Too much work to go surfing until today. I got to San Onorfe beach around 4:30 pm. Not too many people surfing today. May be around 20, 30 at most. The weather was quite cloudy today. It is the middle of May but the sky looks like one of those ugly winter days. It is on the cool side, air temperature was about 66 degree F, water was about 61 degree F. It was cloudy so it looks colder than it was. Surf was only 2, 3 feet tall. A bit weak and slow. I caught a couple good ones when I first got in the water, but after that I had to sit and wait for a while. One of those slow day. But a day surfing is better than a day working, although I wished I get paid surfing. Of course not!

I got bored and cold after an hour so I went in. Took a shower and hang around the beach, watching others catching waves. I took some pictures with my cell phone camera. They are not that great since there wasn't enough light but I don't wanna to delete them. Just post them here so may be one day I can compare them when I have pictures I will take on a better day. I know tomorrow it will be pack here since it will be Saturday and the surf is going be good. Can't wait til I get my hand on my new surfboard tomorrow. Good night my friend.

Old Man Beach, San Onorfe. If you look close enough, the two SCE nuclear power domes are on the far side of the picure. May be that's why the water was glowing ;-) Haha, not really :-)

Sunset on San' O

Lone surfer on this one wave

My little Prius. I love this puppy. Go green, baby.


Tom said...

man, Thai, u must be lonely to be surfing by yourself that you have to start a blog! ok, now i feel guilty i better surf with u when i get back from texas! haha..actually this is pretty cool u started a blog!

aerothaiger said...

see you at the beach when u r back from texas. don't let the cows chase after u.