Tuesday, June 17, 2008

Happy Father Day

One of my best father day ever was last Sunday 6/15/08. I got to spend my father day surfing with my daughters and my friend Tom. My older daughter took a couple pictures and they came out very good. This one we are about to go into the water. With the sun in the back, the pictures have an interesting sihollette look.

We are ready...

While we sufing, my friend Tom was jamming with his little guitar. Go Rock Star.

Guitar Hero

And here is the video of my daughter catching a wave:

The waves on that day were very big and strong. There were even some overheads. It took a while for Tom and I to paddle out to the line up. I had to turtle dive threes time to duck the incoming waves or else get swept away. I got one good wave, rode it in and it took 15 minutes to get back out. I got another one, the wave was pushing so strong that I got stuck in the soup for a while. Once I stood up, there was a guy paddling just in front of me. I almost ran over him except that I veered to the right just in time to avoid the collision. In the same time he flipped his board over and went under the water. I did almost lost it right there but did not fall. I rode this wave all the way in and called it a day. Just too lazy to go battle the big waves again. My daughter captured all of it in the video below.

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